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Showing posts from August, 2023

Website Creation Set Ups and Advertisements

Small Business Websites  Owning a small business' can be challenging when first starting. You have so many steps to create as well as monitor. My business is also a small, I started only about a year ago and I still manage to find myself overwelled. We all start somewhere is what I always tell myself.  By starting this website I wanted to provide more information regarding my skills and experience to help people feel more comfortable about wanting to find the strive and confidences of making their creativities a reality. I know how it is to have a passion for something and want to make it something big for you.  My services include Security of content creation or postings of your site, security for your main site, and help to manage your site after you have gone live. Website Security is highly recommended when first starting. Internet gremlins can interrupt your site traffic and do more damage then good therefore, I will help manage the backend to eliminate and unwanted traffic or